How digital marketing will change post COVID-19

  • By admin
  • May 22, 2020
  • Digital Marketing

Almost half a year into 2020 and the world is inundated with terms that are strangely as commonly known, as they are newly introduced. Terms like COVID-19 and social distancing seem to be the new norm, without need for much explanation or introduction. This is all thanks in part due to the daily updates provided publicly by governments and news agencies working hard to keep populations safe and informed. However, brands and businesses have likewise played a major role in broadcasting their commercial updates to audiences eager to understand how the global pandemic has and will continue to change their lives. Despite conservative perspectives, the pandemic has definitely shown that it isn't the time to shy away from investing in effective digital marketing to boost your brand visibility.

Whether it's appreciated or not, the global pandemic has altered the way business is done, and many are of the opinion that this change is a permanent one. Regardless of the chosen belief, it can be difficult for people to imagine what the world will look like, moving on from the first waves of the global coronavirus pandemic of 2020. Whether they are concerned as business owners or customers of businesses, people have had to rethink their daily routines, consumer habits, and interactions with one another in society. It only makes sense that businesses would have to reassess their own dealings with customers, as well as with other businesses in the larger economy. With these changes resulting in a sharp rise in how digital marketing and social media is used to conduct businesses online, what can you safely anticipate as mainstay practices for your post-COVID digital marketing strategy?

Which Changes Will Stay and What Your Business Can Do

While the global pandemic has understandably caused business owners the world around to worry about their income streams, a general scope on Australian businesses has captured a wide variety of brand names surging in sales and enquiries, in most part due to social restrictions. The growth seen with these businesses solidifies the impression of increased consumer reliance on digital platforms as a way to continue accessing popular products and services. The reality is that whether in isolation or not – it's safe to assume that the global pandemic has ushered in an updated business landscape that places greater emphasis on online sales and marketing. During this period, businesses are likewise incentivised away from traditional brick and mortar operations, and to move towards online branding and marketing activities.

This points to an increased need for businesses to focus on a few key areas, as far as how they represent and conduct themselves online. Among the handful of these main aspects to invest in are:

  • Web design
  • Web development
  • Mobile App development
  • Video content, and
  • Contactless processes.

Invest in Your 'Digital Storefront'

Follow this up with a nifty brand owned app idea, and you'll surely wow new and existing customers with a great impression of what your business can do to fulfil their needs. These can range from a custom-developed shopping app, to a points and membership app that gives your customers more reasons to engage with your brand during the pandemic. While there may be fewer ways you can guarantee those great first impressions in person, apps are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to representing your brand professionally online.

Speaking of great first impressions, have you considered how you can recreate the experience of pleasant customer service interactions, by focusing on producing more video content? It's true that retail staff may not be able to help represent your business in the same way during times of social restriction. But a great smile and well-told story can go just as far to impress your customers when captured through a well-made video. The real estate industry is just one example of a business sector that stands to benefit from increased uptake of 360° videos. These are a great way to increase customer engagement online especially through social media content. On that note, contactless processes have also taken precedence as a result of a need for business continuity during the pandemic. Consider how your staff can make the most of introducing contactless processes via readily available communication platforms such as Zoom, and Google Hangouts.

Post-COVID Digitisation is Here to Stay

Digitising is a term that's been around for awhile. It's only through the global pandemic that this term has shot up in use and relevance, especially with a greater need for business continuity. However, it is important also to recognise how this need for greater digitisation of business processes is driven by very basic and humbling human needs. Whether it's to do with social interaction, fulfilling the supply of basic household needs, or for reassurance during a difficult time, consider how your business can not just simply do a good job selling, but also to do well with fostering trust among your audiences.

We think a foolproof post-COVID strategy may place emphasis on enhancing your digital presence, but also keep a priority of your customer mindset as a top concern. Get in touch with our team today if you feel your business could benefit from up-to-date SEO and digital marketing services that help accelerate your brand growth throughout 2020.

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